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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Valentines Boudoir Shoots

My very talented and uber kool Canadian friend, Dani Van Steelandt, came for a visit a while back. Dani takes AH-Mazing photos of EVERTHING but I really luv her lingere shots and have always wanted to do some for Rich. Well we all know that I've gained my share of poundage here lately and was in no way shape or form gonna be talked into doing any anytime soon, but Dani is very strong willed..and she won. Now I am very shy and super uncomfortable with my self but it didnt take long and I was having a blast!!! So If I can do it U CAN TOO!!!! The last week of Jan and first week of Feb I will be doing shoots in my home..feel free to bring a drink and hair and makeup will be provided as well as a book of ur fav images...all for $300!! I only have a few spots left so email me right away!!!! And with that I will leave u with a peek of one of me!! lol

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures


Mequet said...

Owww!!!! Hot stuff, Christian!! Love the stockings!

Christian Burge Photography said...

Thank U!!!!
